Lilla Rose Sale and New Flexi-of-the-Month
by ~Aunt Mae (~Mrs. R) on April 23, 2013
Lilla Rose is excited to announce the early release of May’s SUPER SECRET Flexi of the Month and February’s wildly popular Rosey Heart (below), so you can receive them in time for Mother’s Day!
These clips will become available on April 26th and for 24 hours ONLY they will also be 10% off!
You are not the only ones who wait… languishing until we know what the new Flexi-of-the-Month will be! We all do too… some of us (not to name names) stay up w-a-y too late waiting to finally see *it*!!
The Rosey Heart’s special re-release is good news indeed!
Blessings, ~Aunt Mae
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