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My Flat Tire


Yesterday I drove to the nearest military base to purchase a flag case for The Patriarch’s casket flag.

On our way home we stopped to purchase some cream to make homemade ice cream for later in the week.  I love eating the THM way!!  I get ice cream… mmmmmm.

Arrow heard one of our tires making a clicking noise and when I pulled into a parking slot he got out to investigate.

This is one of the things The Patriarch taught him… he always investigated any clicking noise coming from the tires.  Moro often than not it was a small rock in the treads.  But occasionally it was a nail and we were able to get it taken care of BEFORE we had a flat tire.

The clicking noise had come from the driver’s rear tire.  When I bent down to investigate it a bit closer I could hear air hisss-sss-sss-ing OUT of the tire!  We watched as the tire went completely flat in a manner of seconds.

Arrow, “Oh man.  My first flat tire to change.  I wasn’t expecting this, or here in the parking lot.”
Me, “Do you know how to change a tire?”
Arrow, “Yes, daddy taught me a few years ago.  I didn’t want to learn but he made me me anyway.”
Me, “Daddy taught you to change a tire?  When was this?”
Arrow, “A few years ago, when I was 10 or 11.”
Me, “You didn’t want to learn to change a tire?”
Arrow, “No, I didn’t think I needed to know that right then.  I sure am glad daddy made me learn to change a tire anyway.” 

Arrow proceeded to get out the jack, lower the spare and change our tire all by himself.

The Patriarch would have been proud.  I know I was!

We did have a bit of a discussion on the need to be cheerfully teachable.

The tire is completely ruined.

I actually got a long piece of metal IN my tire… slashing it!  :-(

Um, no.  My financial situation has not changed.  Gritty reality here.  Now that I eat the THM way there is no *sugar* coating available!  lol  My business is still in it’s fledgling stages and certainly doesn’t generate anything one could call *income*.  I am not eligible for Social Security.  The Patriarch’s military retirement check is slashed to a few (very few) hundred dollars, which I am now getting.  Family support?  Nope.  Those who are able don’t see the need to and those who see the need to are not able.  Oh, the VA Widow’s Benefit I applied for?  Well…. that is a whole other story.  Think “I’m here from the government and I am here to help.”  It should make you want to run screaming in terror.  My church?  Yes they do support me, but there are a total of four families who attend our church.  My family in great need is one of them!  They do what they can.

Ah, why not apply for welfare and food stamps?  I will write a longer post on this topic, but suffice it to say that as a Christian and now as a biblical widow that would be turning my back on Christ’s help and turning toward the government for help.  I can not do that.

What about putting Arrow in the government indoctrination center and get a job?  I can not, I will not relinquish my godly inheritance to the ungodly state.

Your commitment to pray for me is greatly appreciated!!  Should you feel led to help in a financial way you can donate through the button in my side bar.

Are there other ways you can help of a more tangible nature?  YES!
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You can become a Young Living distributor under me (NO selling necessary!) &/or schedule an in home party.  Sorry local only unless you are paying for air fare… and for two.  😉

Blessings, ~Aunt Mae


I just got home from the tire place and have GREAT news!   I am completely amazed and should have known the Lord would work it all out.  That piece of metal… was a box knife blade and only the pointy tip actually punctured the tire (it was *JUST* at the maximum length to remain repairable!

Even the tire guy was amazed.  Though he said, “We sure lucked out”.

I know better.   It was the LORD!   Woo Hoo!!!

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{ 6 comments… add one }

  • Renee June 5, 2013, 10:02 AM

    Oh, my poor dear! I WILL be praying! I so wish you were nearby, that I could give you a hug, but I pray a virtual one will suffice. Much love your way!

    • ~Aunt Mae (~Mrs. R) June 5, 2013, 3:37 PM

      Hi Renee!
      I’ll gladly take the virtual hugs!! There is good news though! I am completely amazed and should have known the Lord would work it all out. That piece of metal… was a box knife blade and only the pointy tip actually punctured the tire! Even the tire guy was amazed. Though he said, “we sure lucked out”. I know better!! It was the LORD! Woo Hoo!!!

      • Renee June 6, 2013, 12:26 PM

        God is GREAT!!!

        • ~Aunt Mae (~Mrs. R) June 6, 2013, 6:03 PM

          Yes He is!!

  • Charlotte Moore June 6, 2013, 5:14 AM

    PRAISE the LORD for good news. You are right, it was the LORD!! Most people think things are luck.

    I think it is a shame family that could will not help. The government sure hands out alot to people that are not really AMERICAN.

    GOD BLESS!!!

    • ~Aunt Mae (~Mrs. R) June 6, 2013, 8:29 AM

      Thanks Charlotte!

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