Pure Religion … widows in their trouble … James 1:27

by ~Aunt Mae (~Mrs. R) on March 15, 2013

A sweet friend and sister in Christ has organized a number of bloggers on my behalf, with a review of my soap, a giveaway and to spread the word about our dire financial situation.  Here is the email they sent out.  This is open to anyone who feels led to help me in my trouble.
Our hope and trust is only and always in the Lord God of Creation.  I hesitated to put this up on my blog.  But was encouraged to do so by others…. so,  I have also put up a DONATE button in my side bar, should anyone feel led to give.
We covet your prayers on our behalf!  There are still many decisions that will have to be made.  Many changes in how our family is run.  I now have the huge task of being the head of the family and to raise our Arrow to be a godly man, a role my dear husband was good at and I am woefully unprepared to take on.
Thank you in advance!  ~Aunt Mae
As most of you know, this review and giveaway is on behalf of a dear friend and sister in Christ, Aunt Mae, who unexpectedly lost her husband in February.  Mae’s husband had been out of work for a year, living off of a small military pension.  The family, understandably, had to cut back on expenses – one of which was their life insurance policies.  His sudden death now leaves Mae and their son with very little income (less than a couple hundred dollars a month).  Mae homeschools their son and has a small business making soaps and other body products.

We want to do all we can to support Mae during this incredibly difficult time. This review and giveaway is our way of helping her advertise her business in the large world of online marketing.  If you have already joined this endeavor, or are interested in joining, please join the Facebook group we set up for this event and fill in your info or reply to this email by March 29th with: 

Your Name/Blog Name:
FB or TW page you would like on the Rafflecopter:

And again, please feel free to forward this email to any and all bloggers to join us or share it on FB or TW.


Here are sidebar button codes that you can use to help advertise for Mae now, during the giveaway, or to help support her business afterwards as well. 

<left><a href=”http://auntmaes.org/maes-handmade-natural-soap/“><img alt=”Aunt Mae’s Handmade Soap” src=”http://i738.photobucket.com/albums/xx28/ofloveandbeauty/maessoap125w.jpg” title=”Aunt Mae’s Handmade Soap” /></a></left>
<left><a href=”http://auntmaes.org/maes-handmade-natural-soap/><img alt=”Aunt Mae’s Handmade Soap” src=”http://i738.photobucket.com/albums/xx28/ofloveandbeauty/maessoap150w.jpg” title=”Aunt Mae’s Handmade Soap” /></a></left>
Because we’re hoping for such a good response, we’re a bit concerned that we might be putting Mae in a pinch.  With so many orders, she’ll need a lot of supplies.  We thought it would be a kind gesture for each of us, if possible, to donate $5 to help her with the cost of any extra supplies she may need.

If you’d like to give a donation, you can send via Paypal to RaymondBenevolentFund@gmail.comPlease remember to choose “Personal” giving so the Raymond family doesn’t incur fees with your donation.  If you need more details on how to do this, please contact sarahevan5@aol.com and she’d be happy to send you directions.
The giveaway is scheduled for April 8th-15th. We will be sending you the HTML code for the post by April 1st if not sooner. There will be a review of the soap in the post, but you’re free to insert your own review (if you requested soap from Sarah by the deadline) in it’s place or phrase it to ‘your voice’. 
The Rafflecoptor will be set up with your FB or TW page if you’ve given us that information. Again, the deadline to get your info in is March 29th
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me (paula@wholeintentions.com) or Sarah (sarahevan5@aol.com).
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Crystal @ Serving Joyfully March 25, 2013 at 12:29 PM

Mae, I read about your story on another blog. I would love to share your story on my blog as well and invite my readers to support your business. Please let me know when is convenient for you because the other blog I read said, understandably, that you aren’t taking orders at the present time.

I am deeply sorry for your loss and I pray that the peace of God will guard the hearts and minds of you and your son through Christ Jesus in this trying time. I pray that He will wrap His arms around you and be your strength and comfort in your time of mourning, and that He will be your Joy that comes in the morning.


~Aunt Mae (~Mrs. R) March 25, 2013 at 8:52 PM

Hello Crystal,
Thank you so much for wanting to help me. The Lord’s people have definitely rallied about us!! We can tell we are being prayed for and truly do have the *peace the surpasses all understanding*. It is going to be a long, hard road to walk, but I KNOW the One Who is IN Control of even THIS storm. My tiny storm is nothing compared to the riches of His Grace nor beyond His power.

Another dear Christian sister is organizing a *Big Blog Thing* for me that starts on April 8th and runs through the 15th. You can read the details here on this post:
and can contact Sarah directly for any details not in the post. I am sure there is room for more blogs who may want to join this *Big Blog Thing*!

You can also find in that same post the html (I think that is what it’s called) for a button for my soap page in two sizes should you feel led to put that up on your blog.

I am limited on the soap I have available for sale at this moment in time and am working on making lots to be prepared for the *Big Blog Thing*. Lots of new, some old favorites and my exclusive scents will be ready on the 8th of April! I am praying that my new and improved website will also be ready at the same time… it’s all in the Lord’s hands. :-)

Thank you again for your sweet comment. I have received such comfort and encouragement from every single card, note, message, email, and phone call. We have been truly blessed by God’s people.
Blessings, ~Aunt Mae


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