A Farewell Phone Call

by ~Aunt Mae (~Mrs. R) on December 1, 2011

I called Daddy-J yesterday to talk TO him.  He no longer opens his eyes nor does he respond, but mom can tell the difference between when he is in a deep sleep or not.  I heard her call him and tell him it was me on the phone, she then put the phone up to his ear while I talked to him for a few moments.

I told him I love him and thanked him again for all he has done for me and for my family.  I then let him know it was alright that he go and I said good-bye and that I will miss him.  What a hard call… I was emotional all day.  The Patriarch got teary when I told him about it.

Mom said his breathing got shallower while I was talking to him, so she knows he heard me.  I may try to call again today… but there will be a bunch of family around, and I am not sure I can wait until the following day…

Mom said that he is not eating or drinking anything at all anymore.  I am not sure how long that has been going on, but a couple of days at least.  The hospice nurse comes every other day to check his vitals and fill out the ever-present and innumerable paperwork.

She has been working on his funereal plans with his sister’s support.  Mom & 3 of Daddy-J’s sons will be paying for all the funereal expenses.  We more than likely will not be able to attend the funereal as much as we would like to.  Even with the supposed-discount for a bereavement fare… it will be far too costly for our finances.  So I am reconciling myself to reality… without Daddy-J & without the money to attend his funereal.

Blessings,  ~Mrs. R

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Charlotte Moore December 1, 2011 at 1:18 PM

I could not help but cry when I read your post today. How sad to have to say goodbye and not be able to be with your family either.

Seems you have a very good step father. You are BLESSED.


~Mrs. R December 1, 2011 at 7:05 PM

He was a wonderful step-Dad. I am working on a tribute post for him. But it is really hard to write at the moment…

I am trying hard to focus on the blessings the Lord has given me in having this man as a step-dad, even for as short a time as I had him.

Thanks for the reminder!
Blessings, ~Mrs. R


Dana Adams December 1, 2011 at 1:25 PM

Oh my poor sweet aunt Mae! I am truly sorry! May the Lord comfort you all in this:(
Blessings, Dana


~Mrs. R December 1, 2011 at 7:06 PM

Thank you sweet friend. Old “Aunt Mae” will look unto the Lord for her comfort!
Blessings, ~Mrs. R


Jill December 2, 2011 at 12:14 PM

I’m so sorry for your sorrow. :-(
I’m truly glad you had a good bit of time with him recently that was a joy to you. But that makes this all the more difficult, doesn’t it? This life can be so hard.
I am truly sorry.
Jill J


~Mrs. R December 3, 2011 at 5:29 PM

Thank you dear friend. Yes, our recent time together, which was so sweet, is a balm and makes it more difficult all at the same time. What is that quote… “better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all…? But it doesn’t lessen the pain!
Blessings, ~Mrs. R


Anita June 9, 2013 at 1:26 PM

I know that my daughter loved Daddy-John and he so loved her as well. It was such a pleasure for him to try helping Mae with her business and he was very good at marketing. I know he would be proud of her accomplishments since his departure from our lives.

We all miss him very much. It was a blessing to have had him in our lives. I know it was God’s will that placed us together…there was a purpose.

He is in a better place for sure.

Blessings to all


~Aunt Mae (~Mrs. R) June 10, 2013 at 9:31 AM

Hi Mom! :-D


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