I just got this in my inbox and HAD to share with you all…
Vision Forum has offered Generation Cedar three incredible gift certificates to give away to Generation Cedar readers! There are three gift certificates in this drawing: $300, $200 & $100!
You already know I love Vision Forum products. As a homeschooling mom it is difficult to find good Christian books to challenge Arrow’s mind & faith. That is one reason I am a Vision Forum affiliate. No revisionist history here! Sound science materials… oh I could go on and on. what could be better…? Getting them for free with a gift certificate AND in time for Christmas gift giving!!
Hurry… contest ends December 3rd!
Did you see this years catalog?? I LOVE Vision Forum Catalogs… well and not “just” for the spectacular covers either! LOL
Some of my favorite Christian books and materials from Vision Forum:
Jonathan Park Series - excellent creation materials!
Poems for Patriarchs & Verses of Virtue – but you already know how I love poetry!
Commemorative Calvin Commentary Set – ON SALE! 23 volumes in all, includes Calvin’s Institutes at a price that CAN NOT BE BEAT!
To Have & To Hold – the Patriarch is reading this aloud to us in the evenings right now and we LOVE it! We keep begging for “just one more chapter”!!
Complete R. M. Ballantyne collection – Arrow got this for Christmas last year and he loves them!
There are many other resources that I also love… but I can save some of those for a different blog post!
Blessings, ~Mrs. R

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