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Take A Stand Against Evil Men

UPDATED with donation info & LINK at bottom!!

Psalm 140

To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.

Deliver me, O Lord, from evil men;

preserve me from violent men,

who plan evil things in their heart

and stir up wars continually.

They make their tongue sharp as a serpent’s,

and under their lips is the venom of asps. Selah

Guard me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked;

preserve me from violent men,

who have planned to trip up my feet.

The arrogant have hidden a trap for me,

and with cords they have spread a net,

beside the way they have set snares for me. Selah

I say to the Lord, You are my God;

give ear to the voice of my pleas for mercy, O Lord!

O Lord, my Lord,the strength of my salvation,

you have covered my head in the day of battle.

Grant not, O Lord, the desires of the wicked;

do not further their evil plot, or they will be exalted! Selah

As for the head of those who surround me,

let the mischief of their lips overwhelm them!

Let burning coals fall upon them!

Let them be cast into fire,

into miry pits, no more to rise!

Let not the slanderer be established in the land;

let evil hunt down the violent man speedily!

I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted,

and will execute justice for the needy.

Surely the righteous shall give thanks to your name;

the upright shall dwell in your presence.

At one point I think I mentioned that this is not a political blog, and that is true.  Mostly.  I also blog about ‘life’ and politics does affect my life and yours.

The Patriarch and I found THAT out in the early 90′s when we were mugged by reality (as Rush Limbaugh would say).  I used to think that all those decisions being made w-a-y out in Washington DC didn’t really affect my life.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.  EVERYTHING they do in DC does affect my life, my business, my family… and yours.

So what am I blogging about today?  Brett Kimberlin.

Oh, you never heard of him either?  Um… then why am I writing about some guy I never heard of?

He is attacking bloggers who dare to expose his criminal past and his connections to Soros and his liberal activist activities.  You can get a brief overview of his sordid past by watching this short YouTube:


Do not make the mistake that this is a partisan issue, for it is NOT.  Brett Kimberlin is only using the liberal left for his own personal monetary gain.  He has also attacked at least one liberal-left blogger.

Here is a post by one of Kimberlin’s victims: Never Doubt That God Answers Prayers

Another Kimberlin victim: http://patterico.com/  “Having fought this battle largely alone for so long, with the help of only a small handful of close friends, I felt like George Bailey once I realized how many friends I have out there.”

What Kimberlin does is called “lawfare”.  He uses the law as a means of attack.  It is in effect what Saul Alinsky recommended in his book “Rules for Radicals”.

RULE 1: “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.

RULE 2: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.

RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.

RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more.They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.

RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.

RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

Friday, May 25th was blog about Kimberlin day.  You can read a bit about that and the reasoning behind it here.  Due to a problem with The Patriarch’s computer I didn’t find about about this until Saturday and started this post then.

You will find that this domestic terrorist Brett Kimberlin is being funded by us!  When the Barbara Streisand Foundation, Theresa Heinz’s Heinz Foundation or George Soros’ Tides Foundation donate to one of Brett Kimberlin’s “charitable endeavors” it is a tax deduction!  Here is another post all about Kimberlin’s funding and how YOU can help by donating.From this moment forward I will NEVER purchase another Heinz product.  Of course the first thing you think of is… ketchup.  Lots of that being consumed today on “National BBQ Day”.  But NOT in our home and NEVER again.  I have found an EXCELLENT alternative the Heinz ketchup.  It is Kroger’s Naturally Preferred organic ketchup.  Tastes great, uses NO GMO corn sweeteners, NO high fructose corn sweeteners and is reasonably priced.

So just what is a stay-at-home wife & homeschooling mom doing blogging about this?

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Edmund Burke (1729 – 1797)
Irish orator, philosopher, & politician

Blessings, Aunt Mae (aka ~Mrs. R)

Donation Link to help anyone being harmed by Brett Kimberlin.

Other posts that may be of interest to you:

America’s Most Biblically Hostile U.S. President

If I Were The Devil

Despotism: Encyclopaedia Film 1946

This post also linked here: The Better Mom, What Joy Is Mine, Raising Arrows, Finding Heaven, Above Rubies, Time Warp Wife, Growing Home, A Pause on the Path, Thankful Homemaker, Raising Homemakers, A Wise Woman Builds Here Home, We Are THAT Family, Deep Roots at Home, A Mother’s Heritage, Women Living Well, Intentional Me, Raising Mighty Arrows, Our Simple Country Life, At the Picket Fence, Best Posts of the Week, Serenity Now, Homemaker by Choice, Comfy in the Kitchen, Finding Beauty, Created to be His,

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{ 6 comments… add one }

  • Kathy the baker May 28, 2012, 2:45 PM

    Thank you for mentioning here also. In this vein did you know David Barton was named as a domestic terrorist this past week?

  • ~Aunt Mae (~Mrs. R) May 28, 2012, 5:27 PM

    Well I ALWAYS look at WHO says these things. Morris Dees is the head of Southern Poverty Law Center which is a left wing legal and activist organization. You can read more here at CONSERVAPEDIA. NOT the unreliable-information Wikipedia who allowed most of Brett Kimberlin’s current info to be sponged.

    And Christians, homeschoolers, returning Vets, David Barton and other salt-of-the-earth types have all recently been named “domestic terrorists” by one faction of the left or another. Doesn’t necessarily make it so! :-)

    But then, from a leftist agenda point of view it makes perfect sense. David Barton (and Christian and homeschoolers and returning vets, etc) KNOW the truth and are vocal about the truth. THAT is the last thing the left can tolerate happening… making the truth known points out what the left are really doing.
    Blessings, ~Aunt Mae

  • Charlotte Moore May 28, 2012, 6:00 PM

    I have never heard of any of these people. I know this world is in a mess though that is for sure. It will be this way until the LORD says this enough. I wonder how much more HE will put up with.

  • Denise May 29, 2012, 4:43 PM

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Susan McNiel Godfrey June 4, 2012, 8:30 AM

    Thank you for linking up to Feminine Friday! I hope you’ll come back by and share with us again this Friday! http://susangodfrey.com/category/faith/feminine-friday/

    Susan Godfrey

  • ~Aunt Mae (~Mrs. R) June 4, 2012, 2:58 PM

    Thank you for your encouragement Susan!
    Blessings, ~Aunt Mae (aka ~Mrs. R)

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