And then they ask why people hate or leave Islam. Then they ask why people still say women are oppressed in Islam (which women are, for every Muslim/Islam-defending feminist, not everyone has the same privileges growing up in a Muslim family.) You could wear a hijab even within your house walls and be sent off to be raped in a stranger's bed, but it isn't rape since he's your husband. You could be an innocent child wandering the halls of your home, then be blamed for wearing your favorite polka-dotted red dress when a relative or two pull you away to violate your body. You could be a child and sold off under the guise of marriages and bride price because Muslim-majority countries and their governments and their clerics don't a fuck about when you get fucked on what was decreed by "Islam" to be your wedding sheets. You are expected to obey for your entire life, first your parents, then your husband and in-laws, then your sons. You are expected to be violated and soiled and tainted and humiliated, but not say a word because "Omg what will society say?" slutty wedding dresses
For Muslims who've had the privilege to live in liberal bubbles and progressive families, I am not hating on Islam and please don't go on about how you've yet to encounter a bad Muslim. There's enough bad in our faith, enough to have France, the 'PINNACLE of fashion' to ban hijabs, what is at best, to non-Muslims, a harmless fashion accessory. There's enough bad in our faith to have America, 'Land of Freedom', still immediately paint us as terrorists and be kicked out of an establishment, when all you wanted after a long day of honest work was a bite to eat. There's enough bad in our faith that child brides and teen wives worldwide cry silently under bloodied sheets. There's enough bad that women who were forced to wear hijabs their entire lives and just wanted to wear something less restricting end up murdered in their house by brothers and fathers for 'honor'. There's enough bad that the moment we proclaim our faiths, we are demonized and our acts of defenses are seen as anger and threats of terrorism.
Why? Because we are no better. We are no less than the judgemental, hateful, ignorant masses that elect to hate us. For even now when someone will read my words, there will be people, there will be sexist creeps even amongst the 'progressive' who will send me rape and death threats as they always have. There will be threats of humiliation for me and/or those i love, for I must be silent, and spread myself for their taking as there always has. There will be judgemental men and women and children who will stalk my social media handles to death and spread gossip about how slutty I am or how much Haram I commit with my art or my very existence. There will be mothers and fathers and relatives that will tell me to stand down when I stand up to abusers, be them a stranger's or my very own.
I am, still, very much, unfortunately, a Muslim and I still strongly love what the Quran and hadiths have to say. But in this day and age, with the hatred and shit and intolerance and unbridled assaults that comes of out of "Muslim" lips and "Muslim" hands and "Muslim" dicks and "Muslim" societies, I am no longer proud to be one.