All the Stark Dire Wolves have/had practical names. Except one and it looks like she returns tonight.
Rob had Grey Wind because his wolf was grey and when Rob was a kid the Winterfell folks would say he ran, fast as the wind.
Jon has Ghost and is so named because of his white fur.
Sansa had Lady and was so named because that was very much so, a young Sansa.
Bran had Summer named for the long summer (11 years) he was born in.
Rickon had Shaggy Dog. People usually rip on this name but it's very much a name a 3 year old would name his dog.
Arya has Nymeria. Named after a very important figure in Game of Thrones Lore. We all know the list of titles anyone that sits on the Iron Throne is bestowed with:
"Ruler of the seven kingdoms, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar & the First Men."
The reason The Rhoynar is included on that list is as follows:
Nymeria ruled in Ny Sar, in Essos, where she had a palace. The Valyrians were the Rhoynar's main rivals. The Rhoynar had Water Priests and could manipulate the Rhoyne (largest river in the world) against attacks from the Valyrians and their dragons. These wars went on for centuries. When finally the Valyrian Freehold conquered the Rhoyne with their dragons, Nymeria led the surviving Rhoynar into exile from Essos. For a time Nymeria and her refugees lived on Abulu, one of the Summer Islands now known as the Isle of Women. large size wears for formal party cost below 100
The warrior queen then brought ten thousand ships across the narrow sea to the shores of Dorne. She struck an alliance with House Martell of Sunspear, taking Lord Mors Martell as her husband and burning the Rhoynar fleet. The Martell-Rhoynar alliance conquered the rest of Dorne. Nymeria sent six defeated Dornish kings to join the Night's Watch. Although she is called the warrior queen, she wasn't a warrior, just a kick ass General and brilliant tactician.
Why is this important? Well, nothing in GOT is by accident. The Dire Wolf Nymeria is of House Stark. Nymeria the person fought against the Valyrians. The Targaryens are Valyrians. That's before they flew to Dragonstone and then conquered the 7 kingdoms. (except Dorne at the time.
See a pattern?)
In the books, we know through Arya's dreams/warging? That Nymeria has amassed a pack of wolves in the thousands. How this plays out or if the showrunners even include it in the show remains to be seen. But two things are for sure. One, Nymeria is back, last seen season 1, episode 2. And Two, it's fun to know some of the background on stuff like this.
I'm sure
Judy Haynes
will tell me if I got anything wrong.