this is shelia, still too weak to play fb passwork games, but I'm still here. Have a about a hundred bruises on my body from falling, but neurolgoist said, after bizarre CT scan & excrutiatingly bizarre MRI, that I have an amazing & healthy brain.
So there's that. Couldnt stay in hospital any longer b/c I was so restricted to the bad that I wasn't even allowed to sit up! An alarm would go off!!! Plus,large roommate kept ac on 60 degrees & that was hellish for me,esp since I couldn't even get out of the bed without nurse & walker. Yeah, I'm using a walker. They believe this is all from a painless, symptomless bladder infection that caused me to have a Grand Mal seizure! But,it moved into my kidneys & though I've had lots of & lots of antibiotics, docs tell me that I will die unless I find away to afford more of these antibiotics. So, share to warn others about this weird life threatening condition (None of my bad habits contributed to this, by the way).Vicki Porter Reis. not sure who will see this so please share. I do need help from anyone who can afford or knows of organizations. Same for you Nancy. Please, always remember that I love you all. items that not expensive to wear for the maid of the brides
I'd tag more, but it won't work on this account. Very weak now.Thanks for reading.