After 25+ years of wearing a kilt, I would like to voice my opinion on PROPER etiquette on attire:
I firmly believe that BEFORE one wears such an revered historical garment, one should be familiar with its proper method of wear, its significance, lore and history...
My father wore his kilt playing bagpipes in the Daytona Beach Pipe Band. My Grandfather wore his kilt in WW2 in the Canadian Black Watch regiment, and my GGrandfather died in HIS kilt on the battlefield in WW1...
I have been a member of Clan Graham NorthWest for 22 years.
The Declaration of Arboroath, signed on April 6th 1320 by James and Robert Graham, established Scottish independence from England; among many things, it also repealed the bagpipes as a "weapon of war" and reinstated the wearing of kilts and tartan.
Additionally, it was the document that our OWN Constitution was based on...
I digress.
Now SOME people- those who are truly ignorant, can be an eyesore and an embarrassment to those of us who revere the kilt and hold it in high esteem. The reason for my post today.
We've all seen them.
They buy ladies kilt skirts, worn 2" below the knee...or worse yet! Visit Walmart and wrap a flannel tartan sheet around themselves, sporting the largest claymore $50 can buy, yelling, "Freedommmm!" Yet knowing NOTHING of Robert the Bruce, or Wallace.
There are those who are not "aware" - Yes, we all SEE you go regimental, close your legs! ...and the flip flop crew...There's "Hillbilly Joe" with the mullet and tank top; the man with too much $$ who wears his formal attire- Prince Charlie, fly plaid, and Glenngarry- to the daytime Highland Games
... and so many more! ROFLMAO.
The sad fact is that 90% of the time? Its Americans. Not Canadians, not Scottish...They KNOW proper etiquette!
The book I have attached a link to describes, in great detail..HOW, when, where, why- to wear the kilt. From weddings to funerals. Daytime, nighttime, informal, covers it ALL, and it was a great help to me 20+ years ago. It saved me from a lot of embarrassing moments, and secured my pride in wearing the garment. beach informal wedding dresses
Now some may argue to the contrary that "this is America! Wear it however you want to! Etc."
And they'd be correct.
You could wear the kilt with a purple shirt, bright red sneakers and green hair...
But you'd look like a clown. And although most would
pass you by, they'd be giggling behind your back.
-And make it more difficult for those of us who treat the kilt respectfully! Like a tuxedo- the kilt should be treated with a measure of formality- dressed up, or down for the event.
These are just my views.
First and foremost, ENJOY your new attire- learn it isn't a "costume"...and its not Halloween.